A black and white photo of mountains and clouds.A black and white photo of mountains and clouds.

Reshaping the healthcare landscape.

Complexity is killing healthcare - it’s hurting patients, providers, and administrators who work day-in day-out to keep us healthy.

At Commure, we develop cutting-edge technology with leading health systems to simplify every step in the delivery of healthcare. Providers no longer have to fight mountains of documentation, administrators aren’t chasing endless denial queues, and security teams have the infrastructure they need to manage staff safety.

We believe that healthcare can and should be better. And we’re committed to designing solutions hand-in-hand with health systems as partners.

Company Philosophy

Technology must be co-developed with health systems. We believe in radical collaboration between technologists and healthcare leaders to deliver solutions that actually work.

We work with bright, creative, and optimistic people who share our passion for reimagining healthcare with technology.

Customer experience

From Los Angeles to Boston and everything in between.

The leading health systems in the country run on Commure.

Enabling more productive patient encounters within internal medicine with Commure.

Improving outcomes for hip and joint surgery patients with patient education and care coordination.

Boosting preventative care with patient education and reminders.

Enabling quick access to patient data to inform care decisions.